In order to display solidarity with peace-loving nations and to help create a bridge for sustained cooperation on countering terrorist financing, India was host to two global events in October - the annual General Assembly of the Interpol in Delhi and a special session of the UN Counter Terrorism Committee in Mumbai and Delhi.

India has suffered several forms of terrorism and its financing for more than three decades, hence it understands the pain and trauma of similarly impacted nations. The involvement of a complaint State often exacerbates terrorism, especially its financing," it added. Such conflicts often lead to poor governance, political instability, economic deprivation and large ungoverned spaces. The pattern of violence differs in most theatres, but is largely engendered by a tumultuous geo-political environment, coupled with prolonged armed sectarian conflicts.

“Globally, countries have been affected by terrorism and militancy for several years. It attempts to also set the pace for other high level official and political deliberations, focused on countering terrorist financing," the MHA statement said. “It also intends to include discussions on technical, legal, regulatory and cooperation aspects of all facets of terrorism financing. This conference aims to progress the discussions on combating terrorist financing held by the international community in the previous two Conferences in Paris (2018) and Melbourne (2019).