Up to 12 user-defined points can be specified to help guide RSMB’s motion estimation.

This is especially useful for CG, masked, and/or keyed material. An option that uses the alpha channel to help to track dark images with mattes. (Not available with Catalyst Edit, DaVinci Resolve, Media Composer, Movie Studio, Nucoda, or Vegas Pro) Ability to blur with motion vectors supplied by you… which, most likely, will come from your 3D animation system. ReelSmart Motion Blur then uses proprietary filling and tracking techniques when working on the background layer, even when it is obscured by the foreground! (Not available with Catalyst Edit, DaVinci Resolve, Flame, Smoke, Media Composer, Movie Studio, Nucoda, or Vegas Pro) Support for foreground and background separation using a specified matte.

RE:Vision Effects ReelSmart Motion Blur Pro Feature Specs